Team Spotlight: Irina Tuluca

Originally born and raised in Romania, Irina Tuluca’s passion for travel and serving others hits close to home. Her Romanian roots helped shape her initial passion for travel. Irina feels fortunate to have a family that loved and encouraged travel, allowing her to go on several cross-country road trips growing up.

At the young age of 25, Irina has already traveled to 18 countries – with many more on her list! Some of her favorite destinations so far have been: Colombia, Czech Republic, and Portugal.

Irina was the first hire at Southwestern Travel Group. After 3+ years at the company, Irina feels grateful to be a key part of the team. What began as a small startup company has become a thriving travel agency with three fully functioning divisions: Corporate Travel, Meeting & Incentives, and Student Group Travel. Irina has experienced the progress firsthand.

“It has been amazing to see the growth that we have had over the last 3+ years. The company has evolved so much… and I attribute a lot of that grown to our Statement of Purpose and the values we believe in such as “The power of faith and that we are strong enough to overcome any obstacle.”

Irina heads up the Meetings and Incentives division where she specializes in Contract Negotiation. Her job allows her to work with a variety of vendors from all over the world – most often, hotels. She helps groups plan their meetings and incentives from start to finish including researching, destination sourcing, quoting and building itineraries – all the way from the planning stages through execution.

Irina is always looking to grow both professionally and personally. She is in constant pursuit of learning from others in the travel industry and is excited to be a part of SWTG’s continued growth and success. To Irina, Travel has the power to connect people.

“Travel connects you to new places, people, food, experiences, and most importantly, new perspectives. Travel is Connectivity.”

Our team of travel experts would love to help you plan your next adventure. At Southwestern Travel Group, our depth of expertise, knowledge of destinations, and attention to detail saves you time, money, and headaches. As travel experts, we can handle any emergency that may arise when you’re on the road — everything from a missed flight connection to a hotel that closes unexpectedly—and we will go the extra mile. To book your next trip, contact us today at 800.222.4441 or [email protected].
